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Prof. Dr. Mohammad S I Mullick

MBBS, PhD, FRCPsych (London), DCAP (London), FAPA (USA), DFAACAP(USA)

Prof. Dr. Mohammad S I Mullick is one of the leading authorities in both General Psychiatry and Child & Adolescent Psychiatry in Bangladesh, as well as in the international circle. He founded the first ever-formal child and adolescent mental health service in Bangladesh and played a key role in establishing a postgraduate course of this subject. Prof Mullick believes in the principle of value based clinical practice through evidence-based medicine. Prof Mullick has a highly decorated academic career. He was awarded FRCPsych and MRCPsych from Royal College of Psychiatrists, UK in 2011 and 2004 respectively. He obtained PhD from University of Dhaka. Earlier, he got his Diploma in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry from Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London and Institute of Child Health, University of London in 1997. Mullick obtained FCPS in psychiatry in 1983 from the Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons. He is also a Fellow of American Psychiatric Association (FAPA) and Distinguished Fellow of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (DFAACAP). Mullick received cutting-edge professional training through extensive rotation in highly reputed psychiatric hospitals and institutions both from home and abroad. He has more than 100 published articles in the field of general and child psychiatry that has substantial impact. Prof. Mullick strives to contribute to mental health through quality teaching, training, research and services.

Carrier Summary

  • 2018/21: Member, Institutional Review Board (IRB), Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU)
  • 2017 onwards: Member National Advisory Committee for Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Autism
  • 2014 onwards: International Fellow, American Psychiatric Association (APA)
  • 2013/15: President, Bangladesh Association for Child & Adolescent Mental Health (BACAMH) 
  • 2011 onwards: Distinguished Fellow, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (DFAACAP)
  • 2010 onwards: Advisor, Association of Therapeutic Counselor, Bangladesh
  • 2010 onwards: Life Member, Association of Therapeutic Counselor, Bangladesh
  • 2010/12: President Elect, Bangladesh Association for Child & Adolescent Mental Health
  • 1009/11: Vice-President, Bangladesh Association of Psychiatrists (BAP)
  • 2008 0nwards: Member, Executive Committee, Asian Association for Child & Adolescent Psychiatry & Allied Professions (ASCAPAP)
  • 2008/10: Secretary General, Bangladesh Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health
  • 2007: Member, International Advisory Board, Indian Journal of Psychiatry
  • 2006/10: Member, of the Clinical Care Project Core Group, World Psychiatric Association Institutional Program on Psychiatry for the Person from clinical care to public health (WPA- IPPP)
  • 2006 onwards: Founder & President of the Training and Education for All in Mental Health (TEAM), Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • 2005 onwards: International Member, American Psychiatric Association (APA)
  • 2004 onwards: Member, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP)
  • 2005/11: Financial Officer, South Asian Division of the Royal College of Psychiatrists
  • 2005 onwards: Member, WPA Section on Psychiatry in Developing Countries
  • 2004/5: Secretary, Faculty of Psychiatry, Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons
  • 2005/18: Advisor, TACSON School (Special school for Learning Disabilities), Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • 2004 onwards: Member, Faculty of Psychiatry, Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons
  • 2004/2011 onwards: Member, The Association for Professionals in Services for Adolescents (APSA), UK
  • 2004 onwards: Member, SAARC Psychiatric Federation (SPF)
  • 2003/2008: Member, Postgraduate Course and Studies Committee of School of Medical Sciences of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
  • 2003/2018 onwards: Honorary Consultant, Society for Rehabilitation of Burn Victims, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • 2003/2016: Advisor, Orchid – Organization for Children Care & Development, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • 2000 onwards: Member, The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (Former the Association for Child Psychology and Psychiatry), UK

Teaching Contribution

Professor Mullick worked mostly in Tier 3 teaching institutions and hospitals throughout his professional career in different positions. He started his colorific teaching career as Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, IPGM&R, Dhaka, in 1995 and continue as Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Associate Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and then Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) since its inception by an upgrading the Institute (IPGM&R) till his retirement in 2022. In his long 28 years of his teaching life, Professor Mullick set an example of devotion in teaching and training in psychiatry with his mastery over the subject where he moved easily with unparalleled linking ability and using diverse teaching and training methods. His approach to teaching was learner centred and motivated his students towards self-learning. He also contributed to the opening of the postgraduate course on Clinical Psychology and worked as a part time teacher of the Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Dhaka for a long time.

Professor Mullick contributed a lot in developing, updating, and implementing competency and outcome-based postgraduate curricula. He drafted a curriculum in psychiatry for FCPS when he was Secretary of the Faculty of Psychiatry, BCPS, that was adopted and published in 2000. Subsequently, he updated and developed the curriculum of MD Psychiatry non-residency and residency programs of BSMMU that were adopted in 2003 and 2013 respectively. Further, he worked on developing the curriculum for MD residency program in child and adolescent psychiatry of the that was implemented by the University in 2015. He headed the committee for drafting the FCPS course in CA Psychiatry in 2022. He worked sincerely to improve the examination system in psychiatry. Still, he is contributing to the psychiatry education as the Chairman of the Faculty of Psychiatry, BCPS. He also inspired his professional colleagues in preparing course curricula of allied disciplines and offered his expertise, knowledge, and support in the opening of the postgraduate course on Clinical Psychology and worked as a part-time teacher of the Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Dhaka. He also worked for developing mental health training modules for primary care physicians, health workers, teachers, parents, and relevant stakeholders. He is one of the reputed examiners of MD (Child and Adolescent Psychiatry) MD (Psychiatry), M Phil (Psychiatry), FCPS (Psychiatry), MCPS (Psychiatry), MS (Clinical Psychology), M Phil (Clinical Psychology) for decades.

Research contribution

Professor Mullick is a devoted researcher and always meticulous with his research work. He has a significant number of scholarly articles in the diverse field of psychiatry that are continuously cited. He has conducted the first child psychiatric epidemiological study in Bangladesh in 2005, the findings of which have a substantial impact on the importance of child psychiatric services. His other notable works include establishing validity and reliability of Bangla version of reputed screening and structured measures of child psychopathology that are highly cited round the year, development of measures for somatic symptom disorders, and stressors with adult version and adolescent version. He has a series of work on various aspects of depression, relation of stressors with psychiatric disorders and other medical conditions and child & adolescent disorder that are fundamental in local context. Specifically, has articles on culturally sensitive issues like people’s belief about mental health problems, culture specific syndromes, impact of underaged marriage on mental health. He wrote some guiding articles on developing Mental Health Services including Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services in Bangladesh and LAMICs that state the strategic propositions, models, what and how scaling up and talked on several occasions that has been appreciated by the regional and international communities. He wrote a unique book on case-based learning exercise textbook for the residents and trainees in psychiatry, child, and adolescent psychiatry with the aim of fulfilling the priority need of creating potentials among students for the best possible professional service by assimilating required knowledge, skills, and attitude. The book is the first publication of Bangladesh Association of Psychiatrists and has already been proved as a handy book in terms of gathering required knowledge, skills, and attitude. He wrote chapters and edited two Mental Health Training Manuals for GPs, and Health Workers and a good number of popular articles in the leading national print media. He wrote a good number of “fact Sheets” in our local languages that are contributing to the mental health education of parents and caregivers.

CAMH Contribution

Development of child and adolescent psychiatry in Bangladesh was his long-cherished dream. Professor Mullick started working as a qualified child and adolescent psychiatrist in 1998 in the BSMMU to the rest of his service period. As the founding head of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Division of the Department of Psychiatry, BSMMU, he set up Child Mental Health Clinic in the BSMMU in 1988 that was the first formal Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in Bangladesh. Subsequently, he expanded a high quality CAMHS along with establishing, specialized clinics and specialty services and arranged continuous child and adolescent training for mental health professionals. Through his constant effort and persuasion, MD residency course on child and adolescent psychiatry has been started from the last 2015 in the University that is certainly a great milestone in child and adolescent mental health in Bangladesh. Subsequently, he worked with the concerned team for FCPS in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry course that has been started in BCPS in early 2022.These courses have been creating first generation child and adolescent psychiatrists in Bangladesh as a core workforce.

He gave all-out effort to integrate existing child and adolescent mental health services in Bangladesh and played a key advocacy role for developing community-based child and adolescent mental health facilities. He proposed a baseline concept of a model of CAMHS in the developing world in several occasions that has been appreciated by the regional and international community.  Professor Mullick has an outstanding contribution in child and adolescent mental health that will certainly help in further advancement of child and adolescent mental health in Bangladesh and in the developing world.

Administrative contribution

During his job as Assistant Registrar in the National Institute of Mental Health and Research in 1988-1995, he served and coordinated continued training on mental health for GPs, Nurses, and Health Workers. He provided all out assistance in the planning, approval, and implementation of the project for establishment of the National Institute of Mental Health by the Government, which was established in 2001, one the landmarks achievement Bangladesh Psychiatry and mental health. His notable contribution in this project was preparing the project concept paper through a series of drafting, revising for the approval and constant efforts in searching, allocating land for the Institute.

Professor Mullick hold the post of Chairman, Department of Psychiatry from 2009-2015. He led a series of organized tasks with the aim of producing a new generation of psychiatrists. For that he adopted modern methods of postgraduate teaching and training. During his chairmanship, he expanded and established a high quality of psychiatry services with increased number of beds, ensuring there is adequate space and staff, establishing specialized clinics & major sub-specialty services, and initiated systems of quality assurance. His notable performed tasks were workforce planning, and created learning resources, resources management and established links between the Department of Psychiatry, BSMMU and other international agencies related to exchange educational programs. He was actively involved in the concerned activities of the University for advancing it towards a centre of excellence.

He gave his endowment in the first and subsequent drafting and in the process of adopting the National Mental Health Act. As a member of the National Mental Health Strategic Plan Working Group, he gave his valuable input into drafting the National Mental Health Policy and Strategy that has been adopted by the government in 2022.

Organizational contribution

Professor Mullick was deeply involved with the advocacy groups. He was Secretary of Scientific Affairs of the Bangladesh Association of Psychiatrists for 6-year and then served as a member of the executive committee of the Association. As a devoted member of the Bangladesh Association of Psychiatrists, Prof Mullick created momentum for the Association by drafting the constitution, served as secretary of scientific affairs for 6 years and held other positions. He is on the editorial board of the Association’s Journal from its first issue.

Professor Mullick convened and founded Bangladesh Association for Child & Adolescent Mental Health (BACAMH) in 2008. He worked hard to expand and create the firm base of the Association hold the office as Secretary General, President, and Councillor. He established communication and collaboration between BACAMH and similar national, regional, and international organizations, particularly, ACAMH and AACAP and the Association has obtained full membership of the Asian society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (ASCAPAP) and International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IACAPAP). He initiated a supportive program for students, early career psychiatrists, and enhances the relationship between organizations. One of such exemplary efforts is creating support from ACAMH for young potential child mental health professionals to receive short child and adolescent psychiatry training from the UK. He is the continuous source of inspiration of his beloved organization.

Prof Mullick is affiliated with almost all representative professional organizations around the globe. He participated and delivered talks in many national and international conferences at home and abroad. Undoubtedly, he played a critical role for many accomplishments internationally with colleagues from South Asia and beyond.

Practice Contribution

Professor Mullick is a leading consultant in Bangladesh as general psychiatrist, and child & adolescent psychiatrist. He is a strong proponent of evidence based and value based psychiatric practice and offers his cutting age management for the patients with special emphasis on personalizing the treatment. He tends to translate evidence-based findings into clinical practice. His art of patient care is unique and certainly has a strong influence on his followers in advancing quality of psychiatry practice in Bangladesh.